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Pest Control Suppliers

YOU HAVE BUGS…Carter Pest Control Has The Best Solutions

At Carter Services, Inc., we provide solutions for all your pest problems. Licensed and insured, we are a local pest control company that serves NM, CO, west TX, and the reservation of AZ. At Carter Services, we are committed to providing high-quality, lasting pest control services.
Our employees are highly-trained and credentialed; offering you the satisfaction of knowing our customer service is top-notch. Carter Services, Inc. provides:
• Residential and commercial pest control services
• Environmentally responsible pest control
• Detailed information on services • Warranties and a termite agreement

We offer on-site inspections and full-disclosure on our services and techniques. Our services are also environmentally safe. We want to make sure you are comfortable and confident in the work we do. At Carter Services, we get the job done right the first time, every time. Call Carter Services today for all your pest control needs.


Contact any one of these fine distributors to purchase our products. If your distributor is not listed here, ask them to contact Diversified Sales & Marketing LLC at 918-695-6742.